Notre joint de câble le plus polyvalent 

Fourni avec un joint non percé, ce qui vous permet de percer des orifices sur mesure pour répondre à vos besoins de câblage. Conçu pour divers câbles allant jusqu’à Ø15 mm (0.59"), il est fabriqué en aluminium de qualité marine avec une finition dure pour résister aux marques d’impact.

Informations sur le produit

  • 100 % étanche – IP68
  • Conçu pour s’adapter à plusieurs câbles jusqu’à Ø15 mm de diamètre 
  • Fourni avec des bondes non percées et fabriqué en aluminium usiné de qualité marine avec une finition dure pour résister aux marques d’impact.
  • Nos matériaux ont été sélectionnés pour être stables aux rayons UV et résistants.
  • Pas de produit d’étanchéité salissant les bondes

Our Testing Ethos

Our testing standard at Scanstrut is encapsulated by the acronym SCA, which stands for Safe, Certified, and Approved. With over 35 years of experience and expertise in designing products for outdoor use, we design our products to be able to thrive in the harshest of outdoor environments.

Before any product is released, it must pass through our rigorous testing program which involves assessments in electrical, mechanical, U.V., corrosion, thermal, and waterproof categories. To ensure the highest level of accuracy, testing is conducted both internally and by independent ISO accredited test houses.

Our commitment to quality has earned us the approval of renowned names such as Mercury Marine, Grady White Boats, Boston Whaler, Winnebago, Airstream and many more. To learn more about our testing program and certifications, please feel free to reach out to us.

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Corrosion Test

Corrosion Test

100-hours of a special formula salt spray that simulates accelerated marine environmental effects on the product.
FEA Analysis

FEA Analysis

Finite Element Analysis, simulates the behaviour of the design in virtual conditions to allow us to optimise the design before prototyping and physical testing.
Material Test

Material Test

Positive Material Identification (PMI) ensures consistent quality of 316 Stainless Steel and Aluminium products. This controls strength and environmental performance. 
Accelerated UV Material Test

Accelerated UV Material Test

We accelerate the effects of UV exposure to replicate our products usage in extreme tropical climates. We do this to ensure parts do not become brittle, discolour or fail over time. 


Confirms the exclusion of substances of very high concern in our products, with the aim of protecting human and animal health.
IP Test

IP Test

Water and dust protection under test laboratory conditions to international IP standards. We test between IPX4 (waterjet) and IP68 (submersion).